Balanced Body Leads to More Fulfilled Life
This is an educational site to help you overcome your hormonal imbalances so that you can take control of your life and get back to normal. You will get plenty of info, reports and books on this matter which will help you to recover and recharge.
Dr Ani is an award winning author, hormone coach and the acclaimed health expert with more than 18 years of experience gained through working in the pharmaceutical industry. A pharmaceutical scientist with a PhD in the same topic, he is the author of the book - The Great Testosterone Myth: Honest Facts No Hype’.
You’re just a step away from balancing hormones naturally.
If you’ve ever dreamed of having a private one-on-one conversation with an hormone expert and health coach with more than 18 years experience, you have now landed that opportunity.
You are not reading this right now by accident. You manifested this opportunity…
You have the chance to book a 30 minute clarity one-on-one call with Dr. Ani by clicking the button bellow:

How this call is different?
This is not just a complimentary call, it is one in a life-time opportunity…
It is THE CALL that can change the trajectory of your life and health forever!
This could be the most important 30 minutes you spend on yourself.
What you can gain from this call:
1. Assessment – you’ll have an expert with more than 18 years experience to assess your situation and create a personal collaborative vision of where you want to go health wise and ways you can balance hormones naturally.
2. Clarity & Support– getting crystal clear on what exactly is holding you back from achieving your health and hormonal goals.
3. An Action Plan – You will have an action plan, exact steps to take and the best strategy in your hand to start your journey toward balancing hormones naturally, increasing your energy level and dissolve the belly fat.
4. Confidence –Talking with Ani will build your self confidence and give you the encouragement you need to make the necessary steps to identify your health and hormonal goals and finally go for it!

The Cost?
No charge at all for your clarity one-on -one session with Ani.
Whatever your biggest challenge- Ani wants to understand them, he knows how to overcome it.
Who this is for…
• you must be coachable and open to feedback.
• you must be at a place where you are ready to change your health and hormonal situation NOW, not next month or next year.
• you must be ready to take action.
If that’s you, book a session NOW. It will take less than 1 minute. And by the way, you have nothing to loose.
Book now your free call with Ani now by clicking on the button below.
Afterwards you will be at ease knowing you spoke to a professional who gave you clarity as to what you need to do to improve your health.
Ani Railkar, in my view, is an author of considerable sincerity, clarity and readability. Ani’s good nature enthusiasm, dedication to detail and the ability to write simply and clearly. His years of experience in research and development in the pharmaceutical industry, his publication history in peer reviewed scientific journals and text books, his contributions to professional and community service and his hobbies of writing and acting will serve him well in producing an unbiased, factual, readable and useful addition to the literature on testosterone.
Roger L. Schnaare, Ph.D , Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy
Dr. Railkar wrote expertly the chapter Formulation of Paediatric Dosage Forms with Gerard McNally at McNeil Speciality Pharmaceuticals. The chapter is in my book in it’s second edition entitled Paediatric Drug Development: Concepts and Applications published with Wiley Blackwell. I can only recommend and support Dr. Railkar energetically.
Andrew Mulberg, M.D, Center for Drug Evaluation Research, US FDA
The Great Testosterone Myth
Honest Facts No Hype
The Great Testosterone Myth: Honest Facts No Hype’ is an unbiased book that seeks to explain testosterone imbalances in a clear and concise way to help you overcome the problems that are no doubt plaguing your life. A hormonal imbalance can be a harrowing experience for men, and many suffer in silence without seeking the help that could free them from their suffering.

Get Back to Normal
Simple and easy tips based on lifestyle and eating habits to create balance in your body and life.

Recharge Your Life
Daily steps which will help you to recharge your body and mind and become stronger than before.